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In the new crime thriller from #1 New York Times-bestselling J.D. Robb, a small and easily concealed weapon wreaks havoc, and the killer is just a face in the crowd.

Homicide Detective Eve Dallas hunts a killer who turns a wedding party into a murder scene in the latest novel by the #1 New York Times bestselling author, J.D. Robb.

2024 Reprints

In the latest from #1 New York Timesbestselling author J.D. Robb, Eve Dallas solves a harrowing case standing for one of her own.

In the new crime thriller from #1 New York Times-bestselling J.D. Robb, a small and easily concealed weapon wreaks havoc, and the killer is just a face in the crowd.



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A reminder of what Nora and I will be doing at 4:30 pm EDT today. -LauraHere's your reminder that Nora and I will do a Facebook Live this afternoon at 4:30 pm EDT -- again, google it to see how that translates to your time. When we sat down for a live in March, I opened a question thread for a couple hours so I could see what you all want to know. (It's hard at times to see the questions in the rolling comments.) So post a question here. If we don't discuss live, I'll come back and answer in writing. The post will close in 3 hours. -Laura

And as always, if you miss the live, it will be posted on the page.
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A reminder of what Nora and I will be doing at 4:30 pm EDT today. -Laura

22 CommentsComment on Facebook

I know that previously Eve and Somerset have connected. After she found out out that he killed Patrick Roarke. Will there be a moment when they truly connect?

Not really a question but just bought some of Nora Roberts short stories and they are fantastic when you don't have much time did you enjoy writing them?

Can you confirm if Bella’s sibling will arrive in Passions or Bonded? I’m hoping maybe Bonded as Somerset seems to be key in this as he was as in Born ID!

When is Mavis’s second baby due? I’m just trying to keep the time line straight. Also, will we hear more about Jacko’s bakery and Ariel’s cakes? The cake of New York sounded wonderful. I love the books!

Many great IT characters in books. Is there someone close that is an IT guru.

Any chance of seeing Nicki and her new brother are doing since Eve and Roark won’t be having any kids???

Will we ever see eve have to babysit?

You write incredible characters and relationships. Where do you find inspiration?

This is my favorite series. Since just finished the first 3 again recently, so happy Nora decided to keep writing them. Not asking her to do it, but I’ve always been curious about Baxter’s background. He’s one of my favorite secondary characters.

Will there be any more information about Stella and/or Eve’s fathers lineage or up bringing basically what got them into the lives they ended up living.

Are there any situations or topics (other than the ones we already know) that Nora considers off limits?

Oh goody thank you

I'm curious about 'the process'. Does the murder/crime come first and then the story is fleshed out - does the criminal come first and then the story?

Is there anything in the works for a TV show or a movie based on the In Death series? It would be really nice to see Eve, Rourke and Co portrayed on screen.

Will she write more about the house and grounds, describe how the castle of Rourke came to be? What rooms I can remember are Eve and Rourke's office, bedroom with sitting area and fireplace, and luxury bathroom. "Drive thru" closet 🤭, guest rooms, a rooftop terrace. An elevator, library, dining room, stairs-but I can't remember if there was a description, an entryway for Sommerset and Gallahad to stand, a banister for Eve to sling her coat on, a closet near it, a drawing room with a fireplace, a pool. Is there a sauna area? Exercise room, and a dojo. A pond area, grounds, the tree they planted for Rourke's mother, a grilling area with grill, sitting areas around the various door entrances, weapons area and storage downstairs and I think there is a ballroom. A security room. Summerset's quarters, a kitchen, and a massive theater room. Have I miss anything? I've read Eve's comments that she doesn't know what all the rooms are all used for. That would be me too. 😄

Is Nora doing anything special to celebrate the release of the 60th In Death book?

Do your editors try to change anything you write? I'm completely baffled at what an editor does.

I seriously freaking love the entire In Death series. I’ll be so lost whenever the series ends. I hope we can see more of Peabody‘s family. I really love them. Also I wish we could get some kind of update on nixie. And so many past characters. Lol! When it comes to other books, I am reading mine games right now and I really love it. Not that I expected anything different. Pretty much all of Nora’s books are amazing.

Are character names a difficult part of writing for you?

Is Roarke is that his first name or last name? In thoughts in Peabody and her boyfriend getting married?

Some of the dishes mentioned in her books sound amazing. For example, Sonya's pot roast and Corinne's pound cake in Inheritance, any of Marco's dishes in the Dragon Heart Legacy trilogy. Any chance these recipes can be made available? If not a cookbook, then maybe on Nora's site or blog?

Any chance you could get more JD Robb books in the New Mexico State Library library for the Blind and print disabled. I'm lucky if I can find one just by looking but otherwise they don't carry any of JD Robb's books. Love her books love all of them. Thank you

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I'll start Rapture in Death soon. Right now, Nora and I are back at The Greenbrier and will do a Facebook Live on the Nora Roberts page this Friday -- July 26 -- at 4:30 pm EDT (please Google how that translates to your time). I will open a post for questions on Friday morning so we cover all the topics. If you can't make it live, the video will be saved to the page. See you there! -Laura ... See MoreSee Less

Ill start Rapture in Death soon. Right now, Nora and I are back at The Greenbrier and will do a Facebook Live on the Nora Roberts page this Friday -- July 26 -- at 4:30 pm EDT (please Google how that translates to your time). I will open a post for questions on Friday morning so we cover all the topics.   If you cant make it live, the video will be saved to the page. See you there! -Laura

The last two lines of what was only going to be a trilogy. So much more to come. -Laura
#immortalindeath #firstimpressions

Text reads:
“Roarke’s going to swallow his tongue when he gets a load of me.” She laughed, grabbed Mavis’s arm, and rushed out to make her promises.
Immortal in Death
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The last two lines of what was only going to be a trilogy. So much more to come. -Laura
#immortalindeath #firstimpressions   

Text reads:
“Roarke’s going to swallow his tongue when he gets a load of me.” She laughed, grabbed Mavis’s arm, and rushed out to make her promises.
Immortal in Death

169 CommentsComment on Facebook

Yep I agree.

That is so funny and sweet x

It was only going to be a trilogy??!! Did not know that. I'm so glad it turned into a series!

A beautiful 😍 ✨ ❤ moment as Eve goes out to make her promises for her marriage 💑 to Roarke. Eve looks beautiful 😍 and Roarke is going to be stunned by the way she looks. An excited and confident Eve.

We are all forever grateful it was not just a trilogy!! 💕

VERY thankful it wasn't just a trilogy!

So so glad it outlived the trio state of things. I love this cast of characters and all their development ❤️

Thank goodness on the so much more!

So thankful it went on

A trilogy? I didn't know that! So glad it went on but poor Eve needs a nap!


Extremely happy that it did not end with a trilogy 💕

Great lines. But so much would have been lost if it ended there.

So happy she kept writing the series.

I loved this ending, and I am SO happy it didn’t end a trilogy. I have all the “in death “ books and reread them.

I agree with everyone who said, "thank goodness it wasn't just a trilogy". This was just the beginning of a fabulous adventure of Eve, Roarke and everyone to come.

It would have been such a shame it it had ended after only 3 books. I am very glad it kept going 😁💛💚

I am so so glad that it didn't end as a trilogy!

I am so glad that this went way beyond a trilogy!!😊🍷

So glad it went beyond the planned trilogy.

So happy it wasn't a trilogy but continuing into the future!!

Thank you for continuing this excellent series. It is wonderful

great books luv 'em.

Very happy it was not just a trilogy!

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Eve's first reminder to Roarke that she'll have a marriage learning curve. It also settled his own nerves that she'd back out. Loved that Mira told him Eve might not remember this, but he will. -Laura
#immortalindeath #promises

Text reads:
“It’s a promise. It’s not so hard to promise to do something you really want, anyway. And if I’m lousy at being a wife, you’ll just have to live with it. I don’t break my promises.”
Immortal in Death
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Eves first reminder to Roarke that shell have a marriage learning curve.  It also settled his own nerves that shed back out.  Loved that Mira told him Eve might not remember this, but he will. -Laura
#immortalindeath #promises 

Text reads:
“It’s a promise. It’s not so hard to promise to do something you really want, anyway. And if I’m lousy at being a wife, you’ll just have to live with it. I don’t break my promises.”
Immortal in Death

44 CommentsComment on Facebook

I loved the process she went through to come to that realization about making a promise! So well written!

That was so perfect and so Eve x

I loved this part. It was so Eve.


My heart melted the first time I read this scene. 🥺 Especially since it came after Eve telling the girls that she didn't want to get drunk at her bachelorette party because she wanted to be clear-headed for the wedding.

I love how Eve could feel comfortable making it a promise so getting married didn't seem so scary.

Love Eve’s feelings& remarks!

In her state, she spoke the truth. A comfort to Roarke

I still love Eve coming to terms with the "Marriage Rules" that are her invention.


It's perfect for Eve Dallas, because while the idea of marriage as a contract scares the living daylights out of her, she knows that she always keeps her promises.

I love these books

I think many of us can identify Eve on this.

This always makes me tear up! No matter how many times I reread it! I like the last line of this book too! It also makes me tear up! I won't give it away so if you want to know what it is you will have to go read it yourself!

When I wrote my vows, I thought of Eve’s definition of marriage and wrote my promises.

I love the way her marriage rules adapted and continue to grow with her.

Watching Eve discover herself, with Roarke's help, has been amazing. Her realization that a marriage is a promise is so cool because that's exactly what it is, a promise.

I love the marriage rules

What a pair. The most important thing for her is that word: PROMISE.

Eve made it a promise because she always keeps her promises. But with Mira telling Roarke she may not remember what she said, but told him he would.

One of my absolute fav scenes.

I love that Roarke is reassured that Eve is ready to make the commitment to him and all the "marriage rules" that follow.

I ❤️Eve!

I loved the way Eve decided that she was ok as long as it was just a promise.

Is easy you just keep your promise.. I love that

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